Exposure Electronics
Exposure has been perfecting the art of creating real Hi-Fi for real music lovers since 1974. In that time a lot has changed in the audio market. One thing has stayed consistent though, and that’s our absolute commitment to never compromise on quality, whilst designing and building the best sounding and affordable Hi-Fi that we can.
All of our products are designed, engineered and proudly manufactured in Britain by a talented team of audio engineers who are passionate about the reproduction of music. Our goal is quite simple; ‘To deliver music as accurately as possible’.
Sounds simple enough, but it takes years of skilled engineering, science and some great ears to achieve. This is our goal and one that we will continue to pursue.
All of our products are built to our standards and not to a price, simple to operate and maintain, and above all outstanding value for money.
Every one of our Hi-Fi components will reward you with real music. Hair-raising and spine-tingling listening experiences. Exposure’s Hi-Fi is renowned for its ‘rightness’ of sound. There is a delicacy in the upper ranges and openness in the mid-range, all of it underpinned by deep yet agile bass that dances along, pulling you deeper into your favourite tracks.
To put it another way, our design philosophy is to make Hi-Fi that gets on with the task of accurately reproducing any and every kind of music, while the equipment itself hides in the background. Which is how it should be, since real music lovers prefer to listen to their music rather than their Hi-Fi.